In this seminar Leen Adam will present her research study "adolescents with disabilities and their siblings: the musical relationship" in which she examines how musical creation can affect the relationship and the interaction between adolescents with disabilities and their siblings. She will also present a case study, which takes place in the children's university hospital in Leuven, Belgium.
Anmeldungen bitte bis 17. November 2022 unter:
Preis: ÖBM-Mitglieder: €15, außerordentliche ÖBM-Mitglieder: €10
Musiktherapeut:innen in freier Praxis in Ihrem Bundesland
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ÖBM - Österreichischer Berufsverband für Musiktherapie
Cumberlandstraße 48, 1140 Wien
T: +43 (0) 699 10 654 741 (Do und Fr 9:00 - 11:00)
UID Nr.: ATU70980003