Since its foundation in 1984, the ÖBM's main goal has been representing the interests of music therapists working in Austria and to reach recognition for music therapy within the Austrian health care system.
Fifty years after the first music therapy course had started in Vienna, the Music Therapy Law finally came into effect on July 1st, 2009, thus crowning with success the decades-long efforts of ÖBM board members involved in the negotiations.
The ÖBM's main goals are:
● Representation of its members regarding all profession-related matters
● Information and services for members and everyone interested in music therapy. These include regular email newsletters for all members, the quarterly ÖBM journal and updates on internal and external events.
● Organisation of workshops, seminars, symposia, congresses, and the lecture series ÖBM Jour fixe.
● Job service and updates on current vacancies.
● Collaboration with associations of other health care professionals as well as with music therapy organisations and training courses in Austria and abroad.
● Facilitation of professional exchange.
● Promotion of music therapy research.
If you have any questions or would like to get in touch with the ÖBM please contatct us under: we are happy to help.
The ÖBM Board ["Vorstand des ÖBM"] consists of six full board members and one students' representative, all of them serving in an honorary capacity.
As of March 2021, the ÖBM has 327 full members, 37 student members, 15 supporting members, 9 organisational members, and 2 honorary members.
ÖBM is a member of the World Federation of Music Therapy (WFMT), of the European Music Therapy Confederation (EMTC), of Österreichische Liga für Kinder- und Jugendgesundheit, and of the Gesundheitsberufekonferenz (a consortium of associations of Austria's recognised health care professions).
ÖBM - Österreichischer Berufsverband für Musiktherapie
Cumberlandstraße 48, 1140 Wien
T: +43 (0) 699 10 654 741 (Do und Fr 9:00 - 11:00)
UID Nr.: ATU70980003